Test Data Evaluation - required variables

CategoryVariableUnitCommentFeedback from algorithm developers on needs
File FormatNetCDF
Reporting GridAll instruments on common grid
Sampling PatternLong flight lengths at constant height (i.e. 400km)

- binHeight  (WGS84, MSL or AGL)


- profileTime  (seconds since 1/1/1970 or 1/1/2000)


- surfaceElevation 


- latitude 


- longitude [deg]


(including surface information and corrected for all platform artefacts)

- radarReflectivityFactor 

W-band, properly calibrated (2 or more frequencies would help validate the calibration)

- dopplerVelocity 

Corrected for aircraft motion and folding

- spectrumWidth 


- signalToNoiseRatio [dB]


- attenuatedBackscatter 

[sr-1 km-1]with corrections applied or respective information delivered (see below)
- depolarizationRatio or[-]with corrections/calibration applied or respective information delivered (see below)
- cross-polar attenuatedBackscatter[sr-1 km-1]with corrections applied or respective information delivered (see below)
HSRL/Raman lidar- Mie and Rayleigh/Raman attenuated Backscatter
with corrections applied or respective information delivered (see below)
HSRL/Raman multi wavelength 355. 532 (+1064)

3x- Mie and Rayleigh/Raman attenuated Backscatter

2x extinction

2x depolarization

[sr-1 km-1]



aerosol retrievals + typing

with corrections applied or respective information delivered (see below)

Radiometer- IR and solar radiances

ground based BSRN like

- surface direct-beam shortwave irradiance

[W m-2]

- surface diffuse shortwave irradiance

- surface longwave irradiance

- level radiative fluxes on aircraft (SW and LW)

- (spectral) surface direct & diffuse albedo[-]

- (spectral) surface emissivity

ground based aeronet
Hyperspectral Imager

- IR and solar radiances

MSI smile
Instrument properties- radarWaveLength  [GHz](94 and/or 35GHz)
- pitchAngle / elevation [deg] (aircraft/ground-based radar, lidar)

- observation geometry

[deg](e.g. viewing angle)

- lidarWaveLength  

[nm](355, 532, 1064 nm or other)
- lidarFOV[mrad]

- calibration and correction parameters

(e.g. spectral and polarization cross talk, dead-time, dark current, overlap)

(specify source)

- temperature 


- temperature profile[K]

- surfaceTemperature 


- pressure 


- relativeHumidity 


- humidity profile[g/g]

- surfaceRelativeHumidity 


- winds 


- surfaceWinds 


- navigationLandSeaFlag 
(land type/water)
- atmospheric gases
(e.g. H2O,O3,O2,CH4 ...)


(for ice and rain)

- Detailed information about all assumptions used 

(model, PSD, etc.)

- Information about particle size and density

Particle size distributions can be measured with various instruments, such as 2D-S, CDP-2, SPP-300, HVPS-3, etc. Each one is capable of measuring particles within a different range of sizes. Ideally, to properly validate the retrievals, the instruments (or the merged product of two instruments) should be measuring particles ranging from 30µm to 30000µm

- meanMassDiameter 


- waterContent 

Measurements of Water Content are essential to validate the retrievals. Nezvorov and WISPER (Water Isotope System for Precipitation and Entrainment Research) are examples of instruments capable of measuring liquid and total water content.
- massFlux [mm/h]

- surface precipitation occurrence

Retrievals/In situ observations

for aerosol

- particle size distribution/effective particle size


- refractive index[-]

- absorption and scattering coefficients and/or single-scattering albedo[1/m]

- particle shape information (non-sphericity)

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