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More information is available in the section of the portal that is reserved to the EarthCARE Validation Team Members (PIs and Co-Is)


Time (CEST)

Programme SessionsTalks and itemsSpeakers  
CEST until 18:30 Followed by Ice-BreakerOpeningValidation Workshop IntroductionEarthCARE StatusEarthCARE L1 Products and Algorithms  → Validation needsBreak (30 min)EarthCARE L2 Products and Algorithms → Validation needsNew PIs introduction, and important updates of PIs that have already presented at the 1st WorkshopValidation Planning: Validation Methods and Protocols - introduction, including QA4EO framework and Fiducial Reference Measurements concept

Validation Support Tools:  Validation Data Centre, Overpass planning, Data Analysis, EarthCARE Simulator 



13:00 CEST until 18:30 

Validation protocols and methods
IntroductionWelcomeRob Koopman  - ESA
13:05Validation Workshop OpeningDominique Gillieron  - ESA
13:20Mission & SystemEarthCARE StatusDirk Bernaerts - ESA
13:45In Orbit Characterisation, Calibration, and Verification (IOV) approach for ATLID, BBR, MSI

Kostka Wallace - ESA

Georgios Tzeremes -ESA 


 EarthCARE Level 1  Validation needs for the ESA products:

BBR Level 1 feedback is obtained via the Level 2 product, CPR Level 1 Validation is under JAXA responsibility

  • ATLID Level 1 product

David Donovan - KNMI

  • MSI Level 1 product
Pending speaker confirmation 
14:45Break (20 min)

15:05AlgorithmsEarthCARE L2 Validation Needs of the ESA Products and Algorithms  

Shannon Mason - ECMWF



ESA Atmospheric Validation Data Centre

Ann Mari Fjæraa - NILU

15:50Atmospheric Virtual LabSander Niemeijer - S&T
16:05E3SIM - EarthCARE SimulatorDavid Donovan - KNMI
16:20ICAROHS Inter-Comparison of Aerosol Retrievals and Observational Requirements for Multi-
Wavelength HSRL Systems
Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff - KNMI
16:35Break (25 min)

Quality Assurance for Earth Observation (QA4EO) concept and example

Jean-Christopher Lambert - BIRA/IASB

17:15The power of monitoring EarthCARE observations at ECMWF and preparing towards their assimilation.Mark Fielding - ECMWF
17:30Fiducial Reference Measurement concept and FRM4Radar for EarthCARE and model evaluation
Lukas Pfitzenmaier - IGMK (Univ-Cologne)

17:45Validation Organisation Validation preparations timelineRob Koopman - ESA

New Principal Investigators

(that joined after 1st ESA EarthCARE validation workshop)

Peter Völger - IRF

18:15EVID34Gottfried Kirchengast - Wegcenter 
N/AEVID35Vaughan Philips  - INES
18:30Virtual Ice-breaker (hosted by TROPOS)  - link will be shared on Tuesday 25 May


Aerosol L2 and ATLID L1 Validation


Ulla Wandinger - TROPOS
13:05Lessons learned from Aeolus Cal/Val and the DISCOliver Reitebuch - DLR
13:20Lessons learned from CALIPSODave Winker - NASA
13:35The AtmOS (formerly ACCP) orbital componentDave Winker - NASA

Discussion on ATLID Level 1 validation approaches 


15:05Aerosol L2 and ATLID L1 ValidationAtmOS suborbital component - AerosolJens Redemann  - Univ. of Oklahoma
15:20Aerosol L2 and ATLID L1 Validation

Discussion Aerosol (ATLID + MSI) Level 2 validation approaches 

16:30Way forward




17:05Lessons learned from the validation of Aeolus L2A product with EARLINETNikos Siomos - NOA

Perspectives on Ground Validation from the NASA/JAXA Global Precipitation Measurement Mission

S. Joseph Muchak - NASA

17:25ACTRIS Aerosol Remote Sensing in support of EarthCARE Cal/Val.Doina Nicolae - INOE

ACTRIS Cloud Remote Sensing in support of EarthCARE Cal/Val.

Martial Haeffelin - IPSL 

17:45QA/QC approaches and intercalibration of MPLNET systemsJudd Welton - NASA
17:55Approaches to intercalibration/QA/QC and other network aspects of AD-Net and SKYNET systemsTomoaki Nishizawa - NIES
18:05LALINET network approaches for QA/QC, validation and data handlingEduardo Landulfo - IPEN
18:35End day 2
Aerosol  (& ATLID L1) Validation  (BLOCK 1) Plenary SessionNetworks (parallel splinter session) (BLOCK 2) Models (parallel splinter session) (BLOCK 3)

CEST until 18:30Summary of Aerosol session, and Networks and Models splinters

Clouds & Precipitation (& CPR L2a) Validation


13:05CloudSat Cal/Val lessons learned & intro to AtmOS and its Suborbital program with emphasis on Cloud and Precipitation Cal/ValJay Mace - UoU

13:35Summary of the algorithm needs with respect to clouds and CPR for Level 2 Shannon Mason - ECMWF

13:50Summary of inputs from Principal Investigators Eleni Marinou - NOA


Discussion on Cloud and Precipitation cal/val (under consolidation as PI responses are still coming in)

14:30Break (15 min)

14:45Clouds & Precipitation (& CPR L2a) Validation

Discussion on Cloud and Precipitation cal/val (under consolidation as PI responses are still coming in)


Way forward for cloud and precipitation cal/vals.

16:15Break (15 min)





Introduction to ESA campaigns and pre Pre-launch lessons learned

Silke Groß - DLR

Juliën de la Noe - LATMOS


CCREST, an example for a science/validation campaign on validation of several missions combined with general science

Stuart Fox - UKMO

17:15Latest status and future plans for in-situWolde Mengistu - NRC

17:30Opportunities for dedicated or piggy back campaignsSilke Groß - DLR
Dirk Shuettemeyer - ESA


Discussion (under consolidation as PI responses are still coming in)

18:30End of day 3

Clouds & Precipitation Validation (& CPR L1)   Plenary Session (BLOCK 4)

Clouds & Precipitation Validation (& CPR L1)   Plenary Session (BLOCK 4)Campaigns (parallel splinter session) (BLOCK 5) 

CEST until 17:30Overview of the Clouds & Precipitation, Campaigns and Satellite Radiation (and BBR L1, MSI) (BLOCK 6) Plenary SessionOther Synergistic products  (BLOCK 7) Plenary SessionRoad map towards validation common practices and protocols



Overview of MSI Level 1 validation by ECVT (AO PIs)Jurgen Fischer- FU Berlin

Lessons learned/Monitoring MSI L1 performanceNoëlle Scott - LMD/IPSL

Overview BBR L1/L2 Cal/Val by ECVT (AO PIs) Nicolas Clerbaux - RMIB

Lessons learned from CERESKory Priestley - NASA Langley

Lessons learned from GERB Jacqueline Russell - Imperial College

Discussion (under consolidation as PI responses are still coming in)

14:45Break (15 min)



IntroductionJason Cole - ECCC

15:05Vertical velocity in stormsVaughan Phillips - INES

15:15Using EarthCARE for improving desert dust transport modelingVassilis Amiridis - NOA

15:25Instrument simulators and applications to modelsKatia Lamer - BNL

15:40Using validation activities for model improvementAlessandro Battaglia - University of Leicester

15:55Comparing observations that are not strictly collocated in time and space, using experience from model-observation comparisons

Ewan O' Connor - FMI


16:40Break (15 min)

16:55Summary/General discussion/Way forward
